Sensors, Transducers, Acuators

A sensor is a device that detects and responds to physical environment input. Light, stress, heat, motion, moisture, and pressure are among the various stimuli. The output is a signal that has been transformed into human-readable and understandable outputs. An actuator is a machine component that is in charge of moving and controlling a mechanism or system. A transducer is a device that converts physical parameter variations into electrical signals or vice versa. These are critical components of intelligent control systems and structures. 


  • Sensors : Thermal,Mechanical,Electrical,Chemical,Optical and acoustic Sensors 

  • Transducers: Electricochemical,Electroacoustic,Electromagnetic,Electrostatic,ElectroMechanical,Photoelectric,Thermoelectric 

  • Actuators :Thermal,Electrical,Mechanical Actuators